Navaratna Pulav


For Mixing With Rice before Serving:

A: B: C:


Clean, wash and soak rice in 1 3/4 cup water for pressure cooking. Add rice and fry for 2 to 3 minutes to coat the rice grains with oil. Add the water in which the rice was soaked in. Pressure cook until the rice is done. Divide rice into 3 parts. Thoroughly mix A with one part and B with another. Leave the last part plain. Keep rice separate and warm in the oven. Meanwhile fry the onion until it is crisp. Remove and fry almonds, cashewnuts, pistachios, raisins, ginger and chilli. Chop egg and sprinkle with salt. Keep warm until required. To serve, place onions, nuts, chopped egg and all of C in a dish and spread the 3 parts of rice in clumps above it aesthetically.
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